Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Friend Day

First things first. We have to put up the safety cone in the entrance to the court (this "torch" was passed on to us by our neighbors who's youngest is now in 5th grade.) I had no idea how much the cone would come in handy.

Once the cone is up, the chaos begins. We had 14 kids here today (once every 3 weeks we take them all, so on the other 2 weeks we get free babysitting!) Thank you to Darci for hanging out with me through it all!
Here is a sign that Chance and Maren put up in the house to inform everyone the plan:

Let the fun begin...

Friday with friends...

does it get any better than this?

1 comment:

Britt said...

Good weather. Good times. Good. Good. Good. Thanks for hosting.