Here's the cake...
(I don't usually do homemade cakes, so I was quite proud of myself! I got my idea here)
I put the licorice on straight for his mouth, and Alex said, "No Mom! It's gotta be a smile." So he curved the licorice (despite my No Touching rule) and said, "That's better!" We named him A-Bot (Aggie-bot wouldn't fit.)
It was PAINFUL to cut him. I grew quite attached to A-bot. We'll miss you little buddy! The kids all enjoyed you!
Here's the birthday boy...
We had a Mr. Robot-O Dance-Off on the greenbelt first...John was the DJ and the kids had some great moves...
Love his little hands
Jake and Hannah bustin' a move!
Crazy Cousin Mason
Cute Kiera!
The kids got a little parched so John helped them out...
Then we headed into the backyard for some trampoline fun...
Then there was pizza and the cake...
Drewbie, Aggie, and Trenton
Andi, Hannah, Neve, and Tessa
Then John got out the blower?? (Which was a hit.)
And then the pinata to end the party! More robot-theme with the Transformer.
Go Aggie!
Sweet swing Brooke!
Nice one Coleman!
Go Hannah--this shot looks dainty but she hit it something fierce!
Love this shot of poor Gavin! I think he was afraid he wouldn't get a turn but we made sure everyone got a couple of swings, even after the candy poured out!
And off they went with their party favors.
Happy Birthday Alex!
Thank you to Britt for taking such amazing pics! (I wanted to post them all but I think I already posted too many! I can't help it. I often have that problem.)
Soooo cute, Annie! The cake is adorable - great job on it and everything else. It appears to be a perfect party in every way. Love you all so much!!! G&G
How fun. We are so sad we missed it. I'll make sure Morgan doesn't see the pictures or she'll be sad.
Sorry. That was me.
We had so much fun. We meaning all our family minus Neve. So sorry about her drama. It was a great party.
These pictures are amazing! What kind of camera does Britt use? We are in the market for a new one!
A-Bot is A-mazing! There is no such thing as too many pictures.
awesome cake, how cute are you??
We had so much fun! It was a great party, my kids (and I) were bummed to have to leave early.
Wow Annie I am SO impressed with that cake!!!!!!!! Seriously. Way cool. And Alex is a doll. I think Georgia is the baby that was supposed to be in your family but the stork dropped off in ours. Everytime I see pics of your kids (espec. Alex and Owen) I think she looks like their sibling.
Cute cake! i am so proud of you! i would grow attached to that cake too! love you girl!
OMG! (Gosh) My sweet Annie has gone homemaker! What an awesome cake! So impressed! I tried to make my own cake one year and since then i have bought them. Not my cup of tea. What a fun party! I am combining Claire and Kaylee's party this year and doing it at the bounce place. So not in the mood for home parties while i am busy getting fat. But combining the two made it suprisingly cost effective! And the best part no work for me :)
Love you!!!!
So cute, and the blower things is hilarious! What a fun party, and awesome cake too!
i'm going to start calling you martha! that cake is adorable!
Hey guys (It's Jenni Stapley)
I'm snooping on blogs from Matt and Karen's page.
Does John ever get any comments about how he looks like jason bateman? I keep thinking that as I stalk through here.
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