Hannah got something new too. She wants to show you...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Miss Hannah has herself some glasses everybody!
Her vision was not as bad as I was expecting (she's under -1) so she doesn't have to wear them all the time but try telling her that...
We'll see if her love for them lasts!
(Headband by my good friend Mandi. You can get your own here at Ruby's Clips)
Mom! Stop taking my pictures now!
(Embarrassed John face I love!)
Oh, my friends are here. Gotta go!
Some more gratuitous pictures with my new camera. Please forgive me!!
(We're holding off on the braces for now!)
Love the glasses! Are you so excited about the camera!!? It just feels good doesn't it!? Thanks for the headband shout out. "Wait for it" made me laugh.
Hannah - you look soooooo cute in your new glasses. I LOVE them! And I'll bet you love being able to see leaves on trees and other little things like that. Congrats on the new camera, Annie, and Happy Anniversary coming up this Saturday! Can't wait to see you all on Thursday. Love, Mom
Gorgeous! An excellent blogger like you needs a good camera. Love it.
So exciting. She was so excited when she got in the car and must have asked me four times if she should wear them into dance class or not. She ended up carefully putting them in her case during class and then putting them right back on for the drive home. Darling!
Her glasses are way cute! Congrats on a new camera. I got one just before Jay's wedding and I love it!! I keep my favorites in a special place... u can check it out for fun if you want.
Love the glasses. I actually love them so much I might try to get some like it, I need a new pair. Mine have been crunched and broken so many times by Tommy they are almost too crooked to wear! He kinda looks like Clark Kent when he wears them though so it is hard for me to make them off limits.
Adorable glasses! She looks great.
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