One of my boys (I won't mention names) thought it would be cool to shoot their brother in the cheek with an airsoft bb gun! Another one of my boys agreed to it! Huh?
Of course, he thought it was empty (or so he says). Of course, I didn't know they had them outside (bad mommy moment). Of course, I gave them a thorough vehement lecture complete with "You could've shot his eye out!" Of course, I tried not to laugh. Of course, I cursed their Uncle James who gave them the guns for Christmas. Of course, I cursed their dad and Uncle Scott for realizing on a camping trip that they don't hurt that much and so tried to shoot each other all weekend. (love you uncles! boys will be boys!) Of course, I said a thankful prayer that it wasn't worse than it was.
And of course, I grabbed my camera.
I think it was most poignant that he was wearing this shirt...
"I DO ALL MY OWN STUNTS" it reads.
I found the culprit like this...
He was sobbing with remorse! "I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I thought it was empty. I promise." While the poor victim was sobbing "Owww, I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it." The fact that it was a premeditated idea that they both agreed to is what floors me! Can't you just picture the younger saying to the older, "Hey, what if I shoot you in the cheek just for fun?" It could be argued that Jake deserved what he got for agreeing to it!
A good lesson on listening to your instincts, I'd say.
Later the culprit told me that he shot himself in the foot (with his shoe on) "20 times" right after it happened because he felt so bad. Love it when the figurative becomes literal. Get it? "Shot himself in the foot" (I crack myself up).
A few more shots of the swelling...
About a half hour later I hear these two fighting over what to watch on t.v...
"Well, you shot me in the cheek, so I get to choose!"
I have a feeling he'll be using this as leverage for a while.
Post edit: A little while later I notice my 3 year old grab his "Juma" (his blanket) and his pillow from his bed and bring it to the victim tucking it in around him. "Here you go Jakey. A feel better." So sweet.
haha! are you sure you want to declare war on my butt? It can be pretty powerful. Ask Rach.
What are fun uncles for if not giving out weapons? Were they wearing there googles? Also if I remember correctly it was your idea to give them the guns.
nope, no goggles. and i'm pretty sure that purchase idea was instigated by my husband (but appreciated by me). You are definitely a fun uncle!
okay the best part is how his shirt says he does his own stunts! SO sad/classic. Yes. I miss you too. There is a part of me that feels empty inside because I know you are so close and yet we don't get to see each other. it is unacceptable. shame on us really! Do you want to go to lunch next week? just you and me? yes... I am asking you out on a date via your blog.
Jakey and Alex - too sad. Owen - too sweet. Comments - too funny!
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oh, boys. oh, uncles.
That is so sweet and sad at the same time. :)
I'm loving your blog. I'll definitely be following.
Feel free to check out mine. I think you'll especially love it:
Ouch!! My son shot his bb gun at the 46" flat screen TV "just to see what would happen" :( dad wasn't too happy and that was the last of the gun!!
love the blog!
To leave no marks is good to spend oil rose hips.
What a sweet story! I love the innocence of children! Found you blog hopping!
Hi AnnieB:
I found your blob while searching for information on Dale M. Apgood. I'm doing some genealogical research on the 'Casper' family and it appears that most of my family's information came from records complied by Dale Apgood--would you happen to have any information about who may currently possess the his original research?
Thanks in advance, justinsheengenealogy 'at' gmail.
I can see you have put so much work into your blog. It over whelms me.
I have to ask when did you start your blog? Does it take up much of your time when updating more info.
I am in the process of starting mine.
to help with networking site.
I just don't know where to start.
I keep deleting what I write, it's so different when you know it's not going to be just for your own eyes to read.
I am laughing out loud right now, just reading this story. I love that you caught it all on camera. They'll love these pictures when they're older. So cute!!!
This is really beautiful. I love your blog! I love how you captured every aspect of this incident. :)
Okay i know the culprit is in toruble, but that sad face makes me want to cry. i hope he got big hugs from you later.
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