Saturday, February 20, 2010

This is the place...

Our vacation spot. (Blatters got in on it years ago (like 20?) when it was just a stretch of beach before anything was built and now we usually go once a year.)
Seen through the eyes and lens of my dear friend that just went there. (Sadly, or should I say devastatingly, we couldn't go as we're already going in July with the kiddos)
John grew up going to this place and now my kids will too.
Isn't it beautiful? She so captured it and then some!

To see more from her trip click here.
And to see more of her photography click here.


Britt said...

You are too kind! We missed you desperately! Let's do it again in the boom years!

Farrah said...

Ahhhh, will I ever get to go??? Spread the wealth girl!

Chelsea said...

That is where you go for your Mexico vacations?

Please adopt me.