John vs. the Raccoon.
Actually more appropriately named, John vs. The Smell. We weren't sure what it was, but there was an odd, urine/death/musty smell coming up through the vent in the guest room. I searched for days for a used diaper, pee on the floor, anything, ANYTHING that would make that smell before I realized it was coming from the vent. We had heard thumping and noises coming from under the house in the living room (on the other side of the house) and I had seen a cat go under our house more than once. I was sure he was using it as a litter box.
Enter John.
With his sexy cover-alls and headlamp on.
Into the depths of the unknown...
After about 15 minutes in a stifling, dirty, cramped 2 foot deep crawl space, he found the culprit. A DEAD RACCOON! Gross. He body-bagged it and brought it up to discard of (after showing the fascinated kids the gruesomeness of course!)
This is how he felt about it...
My handyman, my hero!
What would we do without John!?
Oh my goodness! That didn't look like it was any fun for him! Gross!
Wow! That's pretty gross. Good work John.
That is beyond disgusting. Glad you found the culprit though! Good job John.!
What, no picture of the raccoon??
We will now refer to John as the Family Studbuster, Have dead anmals will travel!
Oh my gosh!!! Love John's hazmat get-up. Studly.
I miss your blog! I haven't been on for so long, and forgot how wonderful blogging is. I will get a new entry in soon, and hopefully keep up with you better :)
Way to go, John!! You are awesome, especially in your raccoon hunting outfit.
You should start a wildlife control business.
Blatter's Small Animal Removal
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