Saturday, June 12, 2010

3rd Grade End-of-the-School-Year Party!

(June 10th)
Our backyard...30 kids...face painting...cotton candy machine...popcorn dog machine...pool...trampoline...hammock...heaven!

We hosted the party for Jake and Hannah's classmates and raised over $600 for the school! Attendance for the party was an auction item and all proceeds went directly to the school.
It was a great way to fund-raise and get the kids together for a last hurrah!

The face (and body) painting was a hit...

Thanks to Michelle!

A family from our church owns all the machines and they were a hit!

Even Owen got in on it...

Fun in the pool...

Trampoline fun...

And a little super soaker to cool everyone off...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Day of School

Alex's best buddies Luke and Shane...

His wonderful teacher...

His fabulous performance...(2nd row from top, 3rd in from the right)

What he'll miss most about Kindergarten?...Recess.

Jake and Hannah and some friends... Right next to Jake is his "own worst enemy".

I asked Jake to scoot in for the picture and he said loudly, "No way, I can't. I'm not standing next to my own worst enemy." The kid just laughed and shrugged like they had had this discussion before.
Ahh, dramatic Jake.
On to fourth grade now. Where has the time gone?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Until then...

Still working on a Yosemite post. Until then, you can feast your eyes on these for the time being...
A Yosemite Post of our trip by my friend Britt
She's amazing. Enjoy...
We were there. You can find us in there.
I'll do my own pics soon.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hannah's Dance Recital

(June 5th)
Oh, how I love this girl!

She's on the Mini Me Dance Team for her studio Dance Fusion, so this year she was in 4 different numbers. I wish I had gotten a picture of each costume!

She did a fabulous job, does everything full out, and sparkles on the stage. I'm so proud of her for working so hard all year for this special night!

I love her sense of humor and lively fun attitude!

She's my girl!

With some of her darling friends...

With her cousins Katie and Sydney who performed as well and her cousins Katelyn and Natalie who came to watch...

And her new cousin Avery at her first dance show...

With beautiful Grandma...

And Aunt Lisa and all the girls...

With more friends backstage...

With her wonderful teachers...

Love, love, love Dance Fusion and the wonderful teachers and choreography! To another year!
Funny Sidenote--The lipstick we borrowed was fire-engine red long-lasting 12 hour lipstick. Well, let's just say she got funny looks at church the next day when I couldn't scrub it off her lips!