I don't even know what to say. You are an amazing man. You find joy in everything. You make people feel loved and important. You are deep and wise and spiritual and so... unfussy. So wonderfully at ease in any situation and so genuine. You love deeply. You grieve deeply. You do everything deeply, full-heartedly (a cross between full-on and whole-heartedly, like that?) You eat up every situation and see it as a learning experience, a spiritual experience, an opportunity for growth. You admit to not knowing all the answers, you admit your weaknesses and that's exactly what makes you so strong. You are immensely talented and yet so humble. (Except when it comes to game playing and pie baking and waffle making!)
You are the most wonderful man and I am so grateful you are mine and that you have always been there for me. At the drop of a hat you are always there for me--flying or driving cross country if need be--as long as your health allows, which it hasn't lately and I miss you!
You are always there for me. You are always there for everyone. Always. Solid. An anchor. My anchor.
I love you!
Your grandkids love you. Your son-in-law loves you.
Everyone loves you.
Who couldn't?
I hope you have a wonderful day.
"Your one and only daughter"
P.S. We're coming! In less than two weeks! Surprise! You don't have to be lonesome anymore!