(June 10th)
Our backyard...30 kids...face painting...cotton candy machine...popcorn machine...hot dog machine...pool...trampoline...hammock...heaven!
We hosted the party for Jake and Hannah's classmates and raised over $600 for the school! Attendance for the party was an auction item and all proceeds went directly to the school.
It was a great way to fund-raise and get the kids together for a last hurrah!
The face (and body) painting was a hit...
Thanks to Michelle!
A family from our church owns all the machines and they were a hit!
Even Owen got in on it...
Fun in the pool...
Trampoline fun...
And a little super soaker to cool everyone off...
Wow - how fun, and what a great fundraiser for the school. Love the cute face and body paintings, and the hot dog, cotton candy and popcorn machines. And especially all the CUTE KIDS!!! Also love the cute pictures and blog post from Alex's end of school party. Fun times.
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